5 Activities To Do For A Tremendous Uganda Safari

Chimpanzee Tracking Safaris

5 Activities To Do For A Tremendous Uganda Safari

Several travelers visit Uganda for different reasons. Some come as tourists while others drop in for business meetings, studies, expatriates, researchers, and a lot more.

If you are a tourist, this detailed information is for you. The country has no shortage of appealing draws.

Whether you are after wildlife, culture, history, city life, or culinary adventures, you are all covered.

Popularly known as the pearl of Africa, Uganda is home to ten national parks, two sanctuaries, and more than ten game reserves.

These protected areas provide lush habitat to a wealth of wildlife species including the African big fives.

Therefore a Uganda safari won’t disappoint if you are packing mainly for unlimited encounters with the various species in the wild.

Besides that, it is our pleasure to list you some of those pursuits you must partake in before you end your trip to this enchanting destination in East Africa.

You can choose to do one, two or arrange a package that combines all of them.

Chimpanzee Tracking

This is a must for those who are addicted to primates.

It grants tourists a grand opportunity to meet chimpanzees in their natural homes. These animals are ranked to be the closest to human being features.

They live in communities, feed on fresh and grass as humans do. Chimps are too active and spend most of their time swinging in the tree branches.

Uganda has multiple places where you can see these animals, but Kibale Forest National Park is the best.

This park occupies a piece of land in the western part of Uganda not far from the notable fort portal town. From Kampala, 4-5 hours are enough for a drive up to Uganda’s primate capital.

Game Drives & Boat Cruise

If you are drawn easily by unending spectacular views of wild animals, stretching grasslands, and sunrise or set, Game drives and boat cruise are for you.

Game driving usually takes place around the park but only following the legally established paths. No off tracking.

From the pop-up roof of a safari cruiser, tourists admire views of different animals like elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, kobs, and other antelopes.

Apart from the vehicle, you can as well enjoy this experience from a boat voyage along the waters of the kazinga channel or Murchison falls.

If you are in love with these two activities, don’t ignore Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, Semliki, Kidepo, and Lake Mburo National Park on your bucket list for Uganda.

Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking is a dream for every wildlife enthusiast.

Do you know what it means to meet the gentle giants in the Jungle? It is time to try and immerse yourself in the never-ending memories.

This activity is special and has its rules to follow if you desire to see the Gorillas. It only takes place in Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga National Park.

Both parks hide in the western region of Uganda. Before starting the experience, officials first brief the tourists on the dos and don’ts while in the presence of these great animals. Only eight people are allowed to visit one gorilla family per day.

The activity includes treks through the jungle via rugged trails. Once you locate the group, you are allowed to watch them for a period of one hour.

See them playing, feeding, constructing huts, and wandering around. Adventurers come with some cameras to take photos and videos of these creatures. Don’t forget to bring one.

The major requirement for a Gorilla tour in Uganda is the permit. It is valid for use by one person and costs $700.

Golden Monkey Tracking

These are other captivating primates. Found mostly in the mountainous bamboo forested areas, Golden monkeys are species of the old world monkey family.

They enchant tourists with their pretty looks. In Uganda, this activity only takes place in the famed Mgahinga National Park. Most itineraries to this protected area combine it with the Gorilla trek.

Cultural Experiences

If wildlife doesn’t appeal Uganda is also famous for cultural encounters.

The country consists of multiple tribes but the most engaging for travelers are the Batwa people in Mgahinga and the Ike people in the Karamoja region.

This activity rewards holidaymakers a chance to participate in different activities and as well taste their luscious local cuisine.

Read more from our blog; Gorilla trek in Rwanda and lake kivu holidays.


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