Uganda Primate Wildlife Safari Experience

Chimpanzee Tracking Safaris

This is one of the long safaris that includes the top things to do in Uganda. This Uganda safari tour starts in Kampala heading to Jinja in the eastern part of Uganda following the Nile River taking to the northwest to Murchison Falls National Park and thereafter descend towards the west to Kibale Forest, Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi Forest National Park, Lake Bunyonyi Kabale and lastly to Lake Mburo National Park.

Drive for Jinja white water rafting on the Nile. On the first day of your safari, you will depart Kampala very early in the morning heading to Jinja which is located in the eastern part of Uganda where you will get to the office for the rafting company for briefing and then join the rest with the crew for a rafting adventure on the River Nile. You will then depart Jinja getting back in Kampala/Entebbe later in the evening.

Coming back to Entebbe for this night is just to shorten the driving distance to Murchison Falls National Park the next morning. Drive to Murchison Falls National Park via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. This 70sqkm sanctuary is a home to over 30 white rhinos and its main purpose is to reintroduce rhinos to Uganda. This is a very nice opportunity to observe the rhinos in their habitat at close range while on foot. And after this you will have a lunch stop and thereafter proceed to Murchison Falls National Park.

Today morning game drive and boat safari on the Nile. At 6:30am wake up early for a morning game drive on the northern bank getting back to the lodge at around 11:00am. You will be in position of seeing; Baboons, buffaloes, giraffes, Uganda Kob, hartebeests, Oribi, waterbucks, bushbucks, reedbucks, warthogs and side-stripped jackals. Carnivores like; lions, leopards and spotted hyenas.

After lunch we will get to the jet for an afternoon boat cruise on the River Nile where we expect to see a number of hippos and crocodiles along the banks of the Nile. You will also see birds like; goliath heron, Egyptian geese, pelicans, bee-eaters, kingfishers, hornbills, cormorants, saddle-bill stork, and the shoe bill stork if lucky. After 2 hours you will be dropped at the bottom of the magnificent Murchison falls and from there you will hike up to the top of the falls where you will meet me and thereafter, we will drive back to the lodge.

After an early breakfast, you will depart Murchison falls proceeding to Kibale Forest National Park. We always regard this route a full day drive. We may get to Kibale at around 4:00pm and this gives chance to those who would like to go for a community walk to visit the crater lakes region with spectacular views of the lakes.

And the highlight of Kibale National Park is Chimpanzee tracking. You will wake up early for breakfast and thereafter you proceed to the park headquarters in Kibale Forest National Park. After a short briefing by one of the park staff you will be allocated a guide who will lead you into the forest to find the chimpanzees.

This park is the only place in East Africa where one can have the best primate tracking viewing the chimpanzee- man’s closest relative. After lunch you will then head out for the swamp walk which is very close to the park and home to a number of other primates and birds.

Next day drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park for an evening game drive. After breakfast, you will set off for Queen Elizabeth National Park and after lunch you will have some rest and then get out for an evening game drive in the Kasenyi plains later in the evening. Expect to see the Big 4; Elephants, Buffaloes, Lions, Leopards and bushbucks, Kobs, giant forest hog, hyenas, waterbucks and many birds.

Today you will wake up very early and set off at 6:30am for a morning game drive with an aim of catching sight of the early risers in their natural habitat. Expect to see the Big 4; Elephants, Buffaloes, Lions, Leopards and bushbucks, Kobs, giant forest hog, hyenas, waterbucks and many birds. And after lunch we will head to the jetty for an afternoon boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel that connects Lakes Edward and George. Expect to see a number of animals along the bank and a variety of water birds. This usually takes a maximum of 3 hours for the whole activity. And this will mark the end of this day.

Today drive to Bwindi Impenetrable as you head out for an early morning game drive through the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park to catch sight of the tree climbing lions. If lucky you will see them up on the fig trees, thereafter we will proceed to Bwindi Forest National Park.

Today’s activity is the highlight of a Ugandan safari. We always regard this day to be the biggest of all days in the safari. So, after breakfast we shall head out to the park headquarters where you will be briefed by one of the park staff and thereafter you will with the lead guide who will take you into the forest to find the gorilla family that you will be allocated to.

The gorilla safari may take between 2-5 hours round trip depending on how long the family you are trekking will have moved today from where it was last seen yesterday. Depending on how you feel, you may go out for an evening community walk through the villages very close to the forest.

Drive to Lake Bunyonyi. After breakfast, you will depart Bwindi to Lake Bunyonyi Kabale where you will have some time to relax and enjoy the beautiful view of the lake or have an evening walk through the villages around. You can also decide to go for a boat ride on the Lake visiting some of the Islands found on the lake.

Drive to Lake Mburo National Park. Today you shall depart Bwindi after breakfast heading to Lake Mburo National Park with a lunch stop in Mbarara and thereafter you will proceed for a game drive when we get in the park. Expect to see; zebras, impalas, Kobs, buffaloes, giraffes, warthogs, and a variety of birds. And here you will head out for a guided walking safari in the evening.

Drive to Entebbe for departure. After breakfast, you will depart Lake Mburo for Kampala/Entebbe with a lunch stop in Masaka and also at the equator for a photo shot and some shopping of souvenirs as you may wish. And thereafter you will proceed to Kampala/Entebbe where you will spend your last night in Uganda. And this will also mark the end of our memorable and lifetime safari.


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