Satao Rock Safari Camp

Only one and half hours from Mombasa Satao Rock Camp – Taita Ranch is located on 98,000-acre taiata ranch on the border of Tsavo East national park.

This Camp provides accommodation in 8 comfortable ensuite twin tents perched some 80 feet up on a huge rock kopje overlooking a small waterhole where all manner of wild animals including elephants, cheetah impala, warthog, buffalo lesser kudu, baboon and vervet monkeys come to drink and occasionally lions and leopard.

On most days – and nights – small silent herds of elephants come to the waterholes, digging small wells in the soft sand to gain access to the water below the surface.

Satao rock camp is sister camp to satao camps in Tsavo East. This camp has all the amenities of a modern lodge including a flushing toilet